Sunday, December 2, 2007

Brrrr! B-b-b-back t-t-to w-w-w-work

OK, it's been a while since I've posted. Progress was interrupted by a mini-vacation with my wife, Alisanne. We went to upstate NY, where I had a speaking engagement. We visited Niagara Falls and went to Hammondsport, on Lake Keuka. My mother grew up there. We were blessed with being there at the right time to see the country in all its fall glory! Then, our grandson Adrian's final adoption hearing was November 16, so I surprised Stephanie and Nathan and spent a nice weekend in Bismarck. In there somewhere, I went down on another VERY cold Saturday, and worked just a few hours, mostly organizing and cleaning up.

We had planned on working yesterday, but we had an ice storm and couldn't safely get to the cabin in time to get much done. So, today (Sunday, December 2), Loren, one of my technically skilled brothers in law (Alan, the other equally skilled BIL, was busy with his own construction project!) helped me with interior wiring. Of course, before we ran out of daylight, we ran out of material--both wire and junction boxes--due to my vast inexperience! However, Loren calculated heating equipment needs, feet of still-needed wire, number of boxes, etc and figured out design issues, so in addition to running wire inside, much was accomplished.

Here are some photos of the day. We ran two more lengths of wire under the cabin, but those pictures are boring. I also posted a 10 second video of our baby dragon. Heater. Much needed today, as the wind was 20 knots, gusting to 30, and the outside temperature never got above freezing. The sun was bright but cold! Progress, always progress.

1 comment:

bret welstead's old profile said...

Looks like things are coming along great! I'm sure it'll be awesome when it's all done.